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  • Writer's pictureGeorgia Alishia Hill

Trapped inside.

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

Anyone else feeling the pressure of being inside? I struggle to stay in one place as it is ... Don't get me wrong, I can sit inside and watch a Netflix series for days. The fact i'm being told I have to stay in, makes if feel so much harder. Where as, I wouldn't realise I stayed in for a week if it wasn't mentioned. Im an introvert so I like my space and socialising doesn't normally last longer than a day, then a need a week off to recover. Also exercising, I would not be going out once a day if I didn't have to but because we've been told we only get one chance, I'm using it to my full advantage. There is a lot of positives and negatives for me throughout these rules we have to follow.

Starting with a positive, I feel we have all been handed a basket full of time. I hate to think that I take time for granted as its so important. There's so many things I could do if I just had a little more time, we all could. For instance, doing more university work, learning a new skill, discovering the path I am heading towards. At first glance, I thought I can gain so much coming out of this unfortunate situation. However, a week goes by and my mind just seems blank. I struggle being stuck with my own thoughts and in the first week I did so much to distract my self, I was still working to. My pattern quickly consisted of waking up mid day, scrolling through my phone in bed for hours, eating dinner, watching Netflix and then letting my mind ponder until I sleep. I wouldn't get to sleep until early hours in the morning.

I quickly broke this cycle with a simple technique I discovered. Set and alarm at a appropriate time to wake up.The moment you hear your alarm go off, count to 5 and on 5 get out of bed. It worked for me, an adrenalin would kick in and I would have to be standing before 5. Then when I managed to actually stand I would wake my self up with a shower, get dressed, cup of tea and go for my walk. This really started the day good for me and my mind would be working by the time I was back to get done some things I wanted to do. However, this doesnt go as smoothly as it sounds. My mind falls in and out of fazes where my motivation just disappears and being an over thinker, it's not good to be in that place for a long period of time. So my go to solution, speak to someone. Everyone is inside and most have just as much time on their hands as you do. Text or call and explain how your feeling. This helps because it will either distract you from getting stuck in that mindset or it will push you to overcome it.

I didn't realise how much of a role socialising played in my life, until these past 3 weeks.

I'm still figuring out how to keep myself occupied during these times. I don't know if i'm the only one but I feel i've caught up on the sleep I lost these past 20 years.

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